Once again Lion thinks he’s broken. Yesterday he said it was the third day of our four day weekend together and we hadn’t done any play. That leaves it all for today when we have to go shopping. I had plans for him after dinner last night, but he said he needed time to digest. When I asked if he was ready, he said he wasn’t horny. He didn’t know what was wrong. I told him I could fix things today. He said it’s different this time. He doesn’t care about sex. He hasn’t been watching the calendar like he usually does. He didn’t know how many days until his next orgasm. He didn’t care.

I’m not sure what’s going on, but he’s not broken. By broken, he means he’ll never want sex again. Like me, I suppose. I’m almost positive his slump is temporary. Maybe it’s something I did or didn’t do. Maybe by taking a day off after I give him an orgasm, he thinks I don’t want to play anymore. Maybe he’s fed up with my not wanting sex. Maybe it’s just the end of the year blues with the holidays coming and the pressure to get presents and what-have-you-done-this-year thoughts. Maybe he’s just been cooped up in the house too long. We went out on Friday, but not on Saturday.

Lion’s been working on his computer a lot. There was a big change he was dreading that didn’t go as horribly as he’d thought it would. Maybe, somehow, that threw him for a loop. Maybe it is simply that I didn’t do enough to play with him. Lion and I are polar opposites when it comes to activity. He likes to go out. I like to stay in. He likes to play. I like to vegetate. I’ve loved the past three days of doing little more than decide what and when to eat. So today, we’ll go shopping and then come home to play. There’s a sling and some ginger with his name on it.

1 Comment

  1. Author

    I think you need to lock lion up for a month with no orgasm. maybe some t&d. but he gets to cum too often

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