Yesterday I checked my schedule to see when Lion’s next orgasm will be. October 12. Wow. That’s a very short wait. I was going to change it, but then I decided if his birthday weekend festivities really create a frustrated Lion, then he can have his orgasm as scheduled. If not, I will reschedule things. He has a sixteen day wait coming up in November. That means only two orgasms that month. December has four scheduled. January has only one. Then, sadly, no more orgasms for Lion. Ever.

Not exactly. I just haven’t sat down to create the schedule beyond January 1. When I planned it all out, January was months and months away. Now, as usually happens toward the end of the year, time is moving at warp speed. I’ll have to work on it. In the meantime, the website says his next orgasm is in six days. Still not a long wait. It was not the subsequent scheduled date. I just decided if it’s not Monday, a six day wait is fine. At this point, it’s to be determined.

Last night was sort of weird. Lion had his osso buco with polenta and broccolini, and then we waited a little while to have his cake. He was very excited about the dinner and his favorite cake. It didn’t seem like he was really interested in playing. While we watched TV he said, if it was all the same to me, he’d like to wait until today for his orgasm. Not a problem. By 10 I was struggling to keep my eyes open. I guess, when I went to get the dog her ice cream Lion — special homemade frozen yogurt that is good for dogs], I must have gotten my second wind. At 11 Lion said he was horny. That’s late for him. What the heck. I was awake again. He was horny. Sure, we can play.

I decided I wouldn’t actually edge him first. I just got him excited and then I wanted to play some more with my mouth. Again, I didn’t edge him. When I knew he was ready (probably beyond ready, really), I did a long, steady build-up and then took him over the top. It was the perfect end to the perfect birthday. And now, this morning, he says he’s horny again. He might be ready for his orgasm Monday after all. It all depends on how frustrated I can get him this weekend. Challenge accepted.