I’m sure the people Lion interviews with don’t know how agonizing it is to wait so long for a phone call. They don’t know just how close to the edge we are. How long should you keep up your hopes? I know today is just a week after his marathon of interviews, but come on, we need to hear something. In the meantime, Lion has another interview today. And there are a few more possibilities out there. We are not dead yet, but we are on life support.

To lift his spirits, and to give him one less thing to think about, I cured Lion’s horniness with an orgasm last night. I know it was only a few days since his last one, but I’m trying to give him all the good luck I can. It’s a scientific fact that a relaxed Lion does better in interviews. Yes, I did my own study. I started it last night. Let’s hope it works. At the very least, he’s a happy boy.

Yesterday he asked me how I learned to give hand jobs. I know he participated in a workshop once, but where does the average person learn to give hand jobs? First you need a willing penis, then you need a hand, bring them together with a generous amount of stroking and, voila, hand job. No, I get it. I guess there can be bad hand jobs. Like most things, I just fumbled my way through it. I listen to feedback. When you’re getting some oooohs and aaaahs you know you’re on the right track. Occasionally Lion says what I’m doing feels good. If the breathing quickens, it’s a good sign. Moans are good. Plus, I asked him to masturbate for me when I first locked him up so I could see his technique. He should know the best way to do it. It is, after all, his penis. Well, not anymore. Now it’s mine, but you know what I mean. I think I would have to give him the same answer for a blow job. Just pay attention to the signals and you’ll figure it out. I love giving Lion blow jobs. Obviously he loves getting them. Win-win.

Yesterday I decided that I will come up with a menu for each night. There will be two choices, an easy one and a harder one. Depending on who’s cooking and how much time is involved, I’ll decide which choice to make. For example, the menu may be stew or spaghetti. Stew is an involved process. If neither one of us can commit the time for whatever reason then we’d go with spaghetti. Now I need to come up with the menus. So what? Big deal. Well, yeah, it is. When I have trouble deciding on what to have for dinner tonight, coming up with a menu for a week or so is a daunting task. Think about it. Lion had trouble figuring out what to do for breakfast two days a week. Two days. When I took back those two days he was very relieved. I don’t think it was because he didn’t want to make breakfast. He didn’t like deciding what to make. I’m not very fond of it either. Oh well.


  1. Author

    Just wanted to say I am keeping my fingers crossed for you both.

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