Lion is not confident his interviews went well. I still have my fingers, toes and paws crossed. Needless to say, this waiting is not good for playing. He’s been worried about the interviews and worried about whether there will be a job offer and worried about what we’ll do if there’s no job offer. And I don’t know what to do. What can I do? If I could have ridden in on a white horse to save the day I would have done it by now. So I do the only thing I can do. I stand by him and give him support.

Tomorrow we start off at the crack of dawn on a seven hour drive. I’m hoping Lion will be ready to play sometime this weekend. It’s been a few days. He’s bound to be horny soon. Getting away takes his mind off things. Maybe, since there’s no way they’ll make a decision until Monday, he’ll be able to relax and enjoy himself. If nothing else, at least we’ll be away from here. And we’ll be together.


  1. Author

    Have a great trip

  2. Author

    Keep a positive mindset, it will work out. Have fun on the trip.

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