Yesterday was a banner day for me. It felt like I made a ton of decisions. And Lion seemed to ask for permission to do things rather than assume we would do things he wanted. I told him early in the day that I didn’t feel like driving. He was leaning toward exploring. I said I was fine with it as long as he drove. He’s not used to driving my truck unless it’s pulling the trailer. To my surprise he agreed to drive.

There’s a road near here he loves to go on. He said it’s not as much fun when he drives. He’d rather be able to see the scenery. Hey, me too! Along the way we saw our second wildfire in two days. This time we actually saw the flames. It’s very powerful to watch an entire tree go up in flames in an instant. We stopped to watch a helicopter collect some water to dump on the flames.There was also a plane grabbing water from a nearby lake. I really hope they get it under control soon. The wildfire we saw Thursday has destroyed at least 1000 acres.

Lion is constantly on the lookout for decent pizza. Yesterday he saw a huge sign for a pizza shop and asked if we could try it last night. As we were eating it he said we should try it again before we leave. I reminded him that one of the reasons we could afford the trip was because we were supposed to be eating in just like we would have at home. So far we had only eaten lunch in. He reluctantly agreed. Today we will be eating at the campsite.

Last night was deferred punishment night. I whomped Lion with a mean wooden spoon. I haven’t edged him in quite a few nights. We were busy getting ready for the trip and then Thursday was shot. I finally felt like playing with him. He, of course, obliged. He’s been a horny boy. I told Lion tonight he would have his own fireworks. Oops! I just checked my schedule. He’s not due for an orgasm until next weekend. Too bad. I have plans for him tonight. That’s one of the best parts about being in charge. I can do what I want.So tonight he will have an orgasm and that’s all the beans I’m spilling right now. He’ll find out soon enough.

I also decided what dessert we had last night and what we had for breakfast this morning. Perhaps not a big deal, but since I don’t like to make decisions, every little one helps. Especially since I completely shut down the other day. Lion is also trying his best to defer to me. It’s not easy for either of us, but we’ll get there. Together.