I apologize for not writing a post yesterday. Sunday night I felt a little dizzy and thought sleep would help. Unfortunately Monday morning I was still dizzy. I decided to go to work anyway. I didn’t want to worry Lion and, quite frankly, we need the money. However, by mid-morning it was clear that I should have stayed home so I had to leave work anyway. As a result I didn’t feel up to writing a post. Fortunately the dizziness morphed into sinus pressure and a headache. I can function with that.

When I read the title of Lion’s post for today I was confused. I thought things were going well. As I read the post I understood he was not talking about us. Phew! I wondered what I had missed. We’ve written a lot about communication and I couldn’t imagine how we had not communicated that things weren’t working. After I read it I understood that communication was exactly what he was talking about. And that we’re doing it right. For us. And that’s all you can ever do. We have to do what works for us. And if it stops working for us then we need to discuss it and come up with another way to proceed.

Speaking of what works for us, last night was punishment night. I forgot. Again. Lion forgot. Again. However, my handy dandy phone reminded me. And just as I was about to tell Lion I was suspending punishment night because we both felt like garbage, he remembered. I was in no shape to punish him. His back was a little better, but certainly not in any shape to accept punishment. It was also play night. We’ve missed a few because of his back hurting. Last night he said he wasn’t in the mood anyway so I shouldn’t try if I was not up to it. He said he thinks he’s losing interest in sex. I told him he was just trying to avoid another ruined orgasm.

But his losing interest in sex has happened before. He tends to go in cycles. For a few weeks he will not be horny. This isn’t to say I can’t coax him into an erection. It just may be a little more difficult. Plus he’s been feeling down since losing his job. I don’t think he’s completely lost all interest in sex for good. I know him too well for that. My theory is that between his back hurting, losing his job, and the fact that we haven’t really played since last Thursday, he hasn’t been his horny self. Not to worry, my pet. Orgasm day is just around the corner. Mr. Weenie is no match for my powers of persuasion. Although, as always, if Lion needs to defer his orgasm to another day I will allow it. There’s no point in forcing him to “enjoy” himself.

Personally I know if we forced ourselves to adhere to a strict schedule with no possibility of variance, I would have a big problem. Things are rarely black and white. Most of life is gray area. Things happen. Roll with the punches. I’m too laid back in most respects to be upset when things don’t go according to plan. Actually I expect things to go wrong. I’m not saying I’m happy when they do. I’m just not surprised. So we’ll play it by ear and see how Lion feels tomorrow night. My guess is he’ll be ready for his orgasm.