Last night was supposed to be my orgasm night. Both Lion and I forgot. Just before we fell asleep Lion remembered. He asked if I had wanted one. I said no. If I had been horny I probably would have remembered. He was offended. He said it was nice to know I didn’t want sex with him. I can’t seem to win.

This morning he asked why I didn’t remind him. I told him I didn’t remember either. Orgasms may be on his mind but they are not on mine. That’s the reason we set up the dates to begin with. It has nothing to do with not wanting sex with him. It has everything to do with not wanting sex at all. That’s not to say that I would turn down sex. If one of us had remembered I wouldn’t have told him no. We are trying to jump start my libido, after all.

Today is Lion’s play day. He’s promised me a raincheck for last night’s orgasm. Hopefully we’ll both remember tonight.