Yesterday Lion was tired. I was too. We’ve both been dealing with stress. Some time ago he wrote a post that said life should never get in the way of play. I disagreed. Last night life did, in fact, get in the way of play.

My intent was to do anal play every night this week to get Lion ready for a session in his sling. The other night I did not do anal play. Last night I brought out the large Njoy butt plug to see if he could take it. However, after giving him his punishment swats for dropping ice cubes, it was apparent that Lion was not able to play. He didn’t fair very well with the punishment and also asked if we could wait a while. He was feeling a little off. I knew he was concerned about taking the larger butt plug, but there was something else in his voice.

While it’s certainly not necessary for him to enjoy the play, it’s quite another thing for him to have trouble taking it. I knew if I pushed him it would not go well. He said he understood that whatever activity I had in mind would be magnified today but he just couldn’t do it. Now, if I were to play the “I’m the boss and you’ll do what I say” card as our commenter suggested yesterday, I would have definitely gotten the larger butt plug in him, spanked him and probably teased him. But to what end? He would have been miserable. I would have felt bad that he felt miserable. Sometimes to move forward you need to take a step back.

Am I mad at Lion for not wanting to play last night? Why would I be mad? Ultimately we’re playing because he wants to play. He was not being a toddler and refusing to play because he just didn’t feel like it. Something was off. As the person in power, it is my responsibility to make sure Lion is safe and well cared for. Part of that is listening to him. Trust me. When he asks not to play, there’s a reason for it.

We’ll try again today. He may or may not feel like it. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. I’m almost positive he will want his orgasm tomorrow night. There have been a few times when illness has delayed his scheduled release. But I’m confident he’ll be ready tomorrow. He’s been ready for days. However, if he asks to wait, I will make the decision with his input.