Saturday was a quiet day. I’m writing this just after dinner on Saturday so it is possible that Mrs. Lion has something in mind for later.  It’s only been a couple of days since my bonus orgasm, so I’m not sure what she is thinking. We still haven’t done my birthday play yet. If we have the energy and interest, maybe we could tomorrow. There are just times when it feels much better to relax without thinking about sex. Today was one of those times. We ran errands and shopped. We slept late and had bacon and eggs for breakfast in bed. Just good times.

I know that I would enjoy some sexual action. I felt that familiar twinge when I rinsed off with the shower massager. No, it wasn’t enough for an erection, but it was enough to remind me that it would feel good to get some stimulation. In terms of play, I need a jump start. It’s been a long time since we spanked or did anal play. I will need to be eased back in and learn once again to anticipate that sort of action.

In the shower I also remembered that I haven’t masturbated in nine months. The last time was when Mrs. Lion told me to so she could watch. That was in January 2014. I’ve never gone more than a week or two without jerking off. This is a very big change. It’s more than just losing those self-abuse orgasms. It’s losing control of sexual release. In the past when Mrs. Lion wasn’t interested in sexual activities and I was uncomfortable pushing the point, I would take matters into my own hand. So, how long I had to do without was purely up to me. Now, nothing about my orgasms is up to me. I smiled when I thought about that in the shower. I smiled again when I wondered if Mrs. Lion would give me another chance to come soon.