Simply put, Lion is not a fan.

After a week or so of daily orgasms and a little less than a week of daily tease and deny, I was not really sure if I was going to allow Lion to come. My first inclination was to ignore him for a night, but then I started licking him through the cage. In the midst of his moaning he said it would be much better without the cage. Yes. Yes, it would.

Even after I took off the cage I still planned to just tease him with my mouth. I love the way Lion feels in my mouth. I don’t think there’s a bigger sense of power for me than taking his flaccid penis in my mouth and bringing him to full erection. And after a few days of denial he was certainly at full erection. Believe it or not I was still not sure if I would let him come. I was having so much fun licking him and sucking him. I did bring him to the edge a few times. Each time I considered ending his misery.

When I finally decided I wanted the luscious dessert from my cream filled Lion I had an evil thought. Sure he could come. Usually as soon as he orgasms I stop sucking and licking. Not last night. If anything I increased my efforts. He wiggled and told me it hurt so I let go, but then I went right back at it, licking his sensitive head. I’d never done that before. It seemed like the perfect way to cap off a very productive orgasm. Well, at least I liked it.

1 Comment

  1. Author

    The only other time I tried it was after a hand job and it was unsuccessful. I don’t anticipate doing it to Lion after every orgasm. But who knows? I’m in the process of testing out all the “weapons” at my disposal. It may become one of my favorites.

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