Lion has been listening to his radio, trying to see how far his signal goes. Between that and hearing the license training videos he’s been watching, I’m no more enthused about getting this ham license than I was before. I understand it can be used in emergencies. I’m right there with him on that. However, I know I’m not going to use the radio except in emergencies, and then I’m likely to have forgotten my call sign. ‘This is KK7…….something, something, something. Maybe.” That won’t be super helpful. (I know Lion will point out that we can put labels on the radio with each of our call signs.)

One thing I am enthusiastic about is the new boner juice. Aside from the fact he’s concentrating on having an insertable erection, I’m happy to be able to suck my weenie again. Obviously, I could have sucked it all along, but we wouldn’t have gotten anywhere. Not that we got anywhere Tuesday night. He was hard but not really turned on. Once he gets the dose right, we’ll have to figure out how to use it to our advantage. If he’s not turned on, that’s a waste of boner juice.

Based on the length of time Lion stayed hard, we wouldn’t be rushed into sex. We could take our time with whatever type of play we want. The issue is that we haven’t played in a long time. How do we get back into the swing of things? Easier said than done. Spontaneity is pretty much gone. I can’t just roll over, grab my weenie and go from there. There are at least ten minutes between injection and playable boner. I guess we’ll figure it out.

Listen to this post.