We didn’t have any better luck last night with the boner juice. I’m not sure what’s going on. Maybe it really was the thirty-day hiatus from orgasms that made it work. Today, Lion will up the dose again. I think he’s going to do it before I wax him. Now that I think about it, that might not be such a good idea. I need him on his tummy to wax his back and buns. It’ll be quite uncomfortable if Mr. Weenie is at attention. I also wonder about how long the erection will last. I’d be playing beat the clock while I wax.

This morning, I finished up the last of the lawn. I need to whack some weeds, but it might already be too hot for that. I can test out the new weed whacker when I unplug the car. If it’s too hot, I can just come back in and lounge in the A/C.

Before I went out to mow, I turned on the wax. I made sure all pots are going this time. That way, if the new wax doesn’t want to melt, I can always use the old. I’m hoping it won’t be too hot to wax him. I doubt it will be. We have enough fans to get the air circulating in the one rooms without air conditioning. And it usually doesn’t take me too long to do it. I think I’m down to under an hour. Of course, there’s the cleanup and some fun with an oily weenie.

If the boner juice doesn’t work today, should we wait longer than two days? If it was the length of time between orgasms that made it work, is it worth it? I know Lion wants it to work. I know we may not have hit the optimum dosage yet. But I do wonder. The only thing stopping us from staying the course is the cost of the drug. And, of course, the disappointment of it failing time after time.

I say onward and (we’re hoping) upward. Boner juice or bust.

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