We are still having problems sleeping. Lion was awake a lot because of pain in his leg. He finally gave up trying to sleep at around 4 am. He turned on the TV, and that woke me up. I was sleeping on and off from then till the alarm went off at 7. I’ve been struggling to stay awake at my desk. Lion spent some time in his office and then went into the bedroom, where he’s been snoozing on and off while watching TV.

I need to sleep. Generally, it’s difficult for me to snooze as Lion does. I may actually be able to after work today, but not normally. Ultimately, I have to figure out how to get a good night’s sleep so I’m not falling asleep at my desk. In the past, I’d eat to stay awake. I can’t do that anymore. Well, I can, but not the junk food I’d normally eat.

The screw in Lion’s cage was loose again, so I unlocked him. I played with him under the covers, and he got hard, but I wasn’t prepared to do anything else. I hoped we could continue tonight, but we may be too tired again. Luckily, we’re heading into the weekend. I hope we can catch up on sleep and catch up on sex.

I’m off to find a healthy snack for afternoon energy.

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