Lion finished his book, but he’s not happy with the ending. He’s been working on it and hasn’t been in the write-a-male-chastity-post mode. Yesterday, I was on the phone with recruiters, so I missed posting too. Today, aside from looking at job listings, I’ve been trying to take care of a few things around here and just realized how late in the day it is.

I think I’ve done more around here since I haven’t been working. Lion will probably disagree. I don’t think he sees crawling around on the floor, trying to fix our TV’s audio system as work. He just sees the growing pile of things on the kitchen table and wonders why it hasn’t been put away yet. The one thing I haven’t been doing is cooking. I start out thinking I have plenty of time to figure out dinner, and then it’s dinnertime, and I have no idea what to make, much less the energy to make it. We did, however, have a nice dinner last night, and we should again tonight.

This morning, Lion asked if we could play earlier in the day. Then he asked why we haven’t been playing lately. I know one of the nights I was tired and achy. Last night, I was a little achy from crawling around on the floor trying to fix the audio part of our TV setup. As I said, he’s been working on his book. I’ve been reading his book to give him feedback. It’s not like we’re both sitting around all day doing nothing. That said, we can certainly play earlier. Name a time. I can be ready when he is.

Of course, if he wants to play, he can always ask me. And he’ll say he doesn’t want to ask. Right. It’s on me. Okay. I will assume he wants to play until I am told otherwise. [Lion — It’s safe to assume that most any time.]

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