I should have known something was wrong on Sunday when I was so wiped out. My sinuses started bothering me yesterday and I had a cough because of it. Lion was having the same problem and was thinking it was allergies. By this morning, I wondered if I had COVID again. Why would I? We took the drug and the only time I went out was to pick up Chinese food and I was masked for those five minutes.

On my way to the kitchen to make breakfast, I grabbed a COVID test. You’re supposed to wait fifteen minutes for the results. In less than four I had both lines. Damn. When I brought breakfast in, I told Lion and he said he was wondering if he had it again too. Another test and he was positive. I did a televisit this morning and it turns out the protocol is no more meds for the rebound. I need to do another televisit with my own doctor to decide if I need IV Rendesivir. I hope not because that’s three days of IV drug. As long as the symptoms don’t get more severe than a cold, I’m fine with no IVs. Lion has a televisit tomorrow and we’ll know if he needs the drug.

Even though both of us were feeling somewhat under the weather, we tried to play. I sucked Lion until he said he didn’t think he’d get any further. I just like sucking him. Sure, it’s nice it I can get him all hot and bothered, but as long as it feels good for him, I’m good. Depending on how we feel tonight, we might even be able to snuggle a bit and I can fondle my weenie. I doubt it will go any further. The main thing is to be close.

For the naysayers, yes, I still believe the vaccine was worth it. Yes, it’s annoying to have this again. I just read information from the CDC that says it should resolve itself in about three days even without any more treatment. I’m just hoping Lion and I don’t wind up passing it back and forth. If that happens, we may need the other treatment.

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