Yesterday, Lion asked me if he would be choosing from the Box O’Fun. He was horny and needed some action. I should point out that when I reloaded the Box O’Fun the other day, I put in some new cards. Lioness choice means I get to choose what to do to him. Maybe it will be ball bondage. Maybe it will be Velcro. It’s up to me. There’s also a Freebie card. This one is just for sex. He doesn’t have to endure any pain. He just goes right to the good stuff. Of course, there is a card for coconut oil hand job which is the good stuff anyway. And Lion is still holding a do over card. I think he’s a pretty lucky guy.

Lion chose plastic clothespins last night. These are more aggressive than their wooden counterparts, however, I only have seven or eight in my bag of tricks near the bed. There are more somewhere, but so far seven or eight seems like a good number. I think there are five pink ones and the rest are white or green. I used the five pink ones in a stripe on his scrotum and perineum, making sure to hit the (at least) two ouchiest spots. There’s just something about using pink clothespins on a man with a full erection. The juxtaposition of masculinity and “frilly” pink is fun. (Click here to see)

I jerked him off for a while and yanked on the clothespins. Putting them on and taking them off hurt, but so does flicking them or pulling on them, especially the ones on the special spots. He asked me to take a picture of them. I guess he wants to show off his pain and suffering. Poor guy.

When I was tired of the clothespins, I pulled them off by stretching it out and releasing. Ouch! He winced every time. And then I told him to lay across the bed. You can tell how horny he is by how fast he gets in position for oral sex.

I try to vary things from one blow job to the next. I don’t want Lion to get bored. Heck, I don’t even know if he notices. He’s just focused on being sucked. Anyway, I decided to suck him at the speed he normally bucks into my hand. I usually go a little faster. I also vary how much suction I use. Last night was full speed vacuum. Obviously, Lion was a happy boy.

He wasn’t making much noise but I knew I was getting him close. I half-expected him to start humping in rhythm with me. I guess he didn’t need to. I got him so close, so many times I don’t know how he survived it. I did get some pre cum a few times. And then I left him hanging. Oh, I’m so mean. I just stopped and sat up. End of story.

Sometimes I think Lion is as spent when I edge him as he is when I actually let him come. He’s definitely more frustrated. I haven’t heard the Lion weather report today, but I’m sure it’s tropical. [Lion — Yup, been horny all day.] He wants another shot at that orgasm he missed out on last night. Maybe tonight, my pet. Maybe not.