Lion spread eagle and hard
Lion hum;ping air and begging me to continue masturbating him. Of course I didn’t.
(Click image to view larger)

I am attempting to make up some time at work this afternoon. Being gone all day Wednesday has me playing catch up. The good news is, I think we found a place to live. We just have to figure out where all the stuff we want to keep will fit.

Lion has been a horny boy for the past few days. I’ve been edging him more and more. Last night he was humping air and he kept moving closer to me after I told him he wouldn’t be coming. In a post a few days ago, he said part of the fun was in being horny and not having an orgasm. I reminded him of that last night. He was not amused.

It crossed my mind to make him wait until we move. If all goes well, we should get the keys September 1. He’s already waited ten days. His longest wait was 28 days. Neither of us sees any need to replicate that. Let’s just say that last night was not his night. Will tonight be? Perhaps. Perhaps not.

I was going to spank him after we played again, but after our doggie ice cream/lion snack, I wasn’t in the mood to whomp him. He’ll definitely have sore buns by bedtime tonight. Before or after we play is the question. I don’t want to completely change when I spank him. I like to keep him on his toes. When you least expect it, expect it.

I want to put it out there that I’m rooting for Lion to behave for a while. I really am. He’s been getting a lot of swats over the past month or so. It would be nice to have a flesh-colored Lion butt rather than a red butt, for a while, at least. Maybe a week. You can do it, Lion!

[Lion — A week? I don’t know. I don’t really set out to break rules. It seems to me that the stress of getting ready to move is likely to cause me to do something to annoy Mrs. Lion. Depending on the intensity of her response, maybe I can learn to think before I growl.]