I rescued Lion from the hospital yesterday. We were both so exhausted, it was like a bad comedy movie helping Lion get up the stairs. He rested inside the door and then we made our way down the hall. When we made it almost to the bedroom door, Lion started to collapse. I struggle to keep him up and then ran for his desk chair. Then we struggled to get him to the bed.

Everything we tried to do yesterday was hampered by exhaustion. Lion kept me hopping with requests. He’s having trouble doing anything that requires two hands and you don’t think about how many things that is until you don’t have full use of both hands. I’m just glad we both got some sleep. He may not have been comfy but he was in his own bed.

Lion still has me hopping today but neither of us is as tired. He’s snoozing quietly next to me and looking forward to a nice hot shower. We’ll accomplish that as soon as he has enough energy built up.

The bottom line is that we made it home safely and Lion is resting as comfortably as he can. Instead of growling at several nurses and nurses aides waiting on him, he’s stuck with just me. And he wouldn’t dare growl at me.


  1. Glad for you both that you are home, I know from my stint in hospital that they are not the places to be to rest…hope things improve

  2. You are THE Lioness. Glad you’re both home and resting. Resting comfortably will come soon enough.


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