I am happy to report that Lion is horny this morning. The past few nights he’s been hit hard by allergies. He was horny the other night and I gave him an orgasm with the Magic Wand, but it’s been hit and miss through his stuffiness. Last night my sinuses hit me in the face around bedtime. Allergy season is kicking our butts this year.

Tonight I’ll have to start bringing some stuff out to the camper so we don’t wind up in a mad rush on Friday morning when we’re trying to leave. I keep thinking today is Thursday but I’ve decided it’s because it’s my Thursday at work like tomorrow is my work Friday. I’m not looking forward to the drive to the campsite or the setup but I’ll be happy we’re away for a few days.

Since Lion is feeling a little better tonight I’ll give him his punishment from Monday. His buns won’t be feeling better by the time I’m done with them. I hope to make them a nice toasty red. It’s been a while since he’s had a punishment he could feel for a long time afterward. Usually the sting stops after an hour or so. I don’t try to bruise him although he’s said he’d like that. I’ll do my best to give him a good whomping.