I did a lot of stooping, half-squatting, squatting, kneeling, etc. yesterday. By the end of the day everything from my lower back down was angry with me. This morning I only feel a little tightness in my lower back so I’m off to do more stooping, etc. today. We replaced the batteries in the tire pressure monitoring system yesterday and one of the monitors isn’t responding. I’ll have to crawl around again to troubleshoot.

Lion made mention of the fact that I haven’t let out any secrets to what kind of play we’ll do on our trip. All I can say at this point is that when I make the bed I’ll make sure the restraints are in position. Now that his shoulder is healed there’s no reason I can’t put those restraints to good use.

Lion also suggested we can play in the afternoon as opposed to evening. That’s a possibility. We’re on vacation. There are no chores except figuring out meals and making sure the dog is walked. The whole trip is potentially play time.

I believe Lion is on day three after orgasm. The thought occurred to me last night that I don’t know if I’ve ever made him wait without playing with him for any more than a few days when neither of us were sick. What happens if I don’t edge him? I know eventually he’ll lose interest. But if I go for the what-has-become-normal four day wait with no edging will he still be horny? I find that to be an interesting question. I’m sure Lion will not. Our agreement has been every other day play, barring illness or injury. But, you know me, I love experiments.

I’ll consult with Lion to gauge his horniness level and go from there. Of course, if I decide to do it he’ll just have to come along for the ride.