A post two days in a row? I must be feeling better! Not 100% yet but I’m back at work and holding my own so far. I have a desk job so it’s not as bad as it could be.

Lion alluded to the fact that he might be getting horny again. We’ll see. He’s working from home (at least that was the plan when I left) because we decided his commute would knock him out too much to get any work done. Making his way across the hall is a lot easier than driving in traffic. If he’s home he can collapse whenever he needs to.

My first task this morning was a phone call during which I forgot a few identification numbers that I normally can rattle off with no problem. I guess I’m still foggy. Good thing I have these things within easy reach. Oh well. My boss is still sick and I know this cold/flu/Black Plague takes a while to get over. I’ll get there eventually.

In the meantime I’m in charge of making sure my little piece of the department runs smoothly. I’ve already sent out a bunch of paperwork that looked fine to me, but then again I forgot those pesky identification numbers so who knows? The powers that be are happy I’m back. Of course they don’t know how accurate that bunch of paperwork will be any more than I do. It’ll be our little secret.


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