I guess it finally happened. Lion doesn’t care about having an orgasm. He doesn’t even seem to care that I’m trying to get him aroused, although he does get aroused. He’s a little more difficult to edge. I’m wondering if this is a normal response to waiting or if it’s happening because an orgasm is imminent. We may have even hit the normal lull he gets from time to time.

I hadn’t taken his normal lull into account when we started this experiment. I guess I should have. It does happen with a certain amount of regularity. Not that it happens at regular intervals, but it does happen over and over again.

My first thought was that he was less interested because the experiment, and wait, will be over as soon as he has an orgasm. Then it will take a few days before he’s really interested again. Ironically, in order to keep the wait going he’s becoming less interested. That’s one theory of course. It may not be the right one.

When he told me he didn’t care about having an orgasm I suggested he would once I got his butt in the sling and started playing with him. He said he was serious. Something has changed. I’m sure he thinks this is the end of sex for him. He usually does. He’s all doom and gloom that he’ll never have another orgasm for the rest of his life. Sex is done. All hope is lost. Puhlease!

While I have no doubt he’ll lose the ability, if not the interest, at some point, that’s years and years in the future. He’ll still be chasing me around with our walkers. When he’s 90 he’ll tell me if his heart is beating he’ll want sex. He’ll probably write into his living will that if he’s ever on life support, he still wants regular blow jobs. If it ever happens that he can’t get it up it’s time to pull the plug.

You’re not done, Lion. Or, more correctly, I’m not done with you.

1 Comment

  1. Author

    There’s no question, you’re absolutely right about Lion’s shelf life. I’m sure you’ll still be beating him off with a stick (or a paddle) when he’s 90+.

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