Without a definite date in mind, Lion and I have decided to do an experiment. Yesterday I posed the question wondering if Lion would lose interest over time and, if he did, would he get it back again if I made him wait. I don’t think we want to go for a record wait but it is an interesting question.

At the very least, we’re on our way to a two week wait. Lion’s longest wait was 21 or 22 days. I have no plans to give him an orgasm any time soon. However, I’ve been pushing my luck a lot. I figure it’s only a matter of time before I go too far. Poor Lion has been a giant puddle when I’m done edging him. Mr. Weenie has been very hard. The Lion weather has been set to tropical heat wave for days. He’s chomping at the bit.

So we’re starting off our experiment with a very horny Lion. At some point I assume the Lion weather will cool off a bit. I have no idea how long that will take. We’ll have near-daily edgings with a certain amount of play along the way. We’ll proceed as usual. If the Lion weather does cool, I’ll see if I can heat it up again.

I guess the problem would be if he cools off and I can’t get him reheated. What then? I don’t really expect him to get all the way down to freezing. At some point in the cooling process we’ll determine if he’s not getting any warmer and maybe we should hit reset. I’m hoping an orgasm would restart the process. At the very least we’ll have our answer.

It may be an interesting experiment but it will make for a very frustrated Lion. I think he’s up for the challenge.