Enforced male chastity is about controlling how often a man gets to ejaculate. Right? I think we can agree that it is, atleast, a big part of it. By extension, the way we know that control is being exercised is by reducing the number of orgasms a man has to a number well below what he would have if unlocked. Right? I’m not so sure.

I got thinking about this after a comment from Savanah:

“Well, at having an average of more than one orgasm a week, you fit the norm of an average uncaged, unchastised middle aged married person – once per week.”

My average wait in 2016 was 6.5 days. That’s pretty close to the average Savanah mentions. If she’s right, I would have come about 52 times last year. My actual number was 58. Based on that average, I had more orgasms than the average uncaged guy. Based on my pre-enforced-chastity experience, I had less orgasms before we started. Is wearing a chastity device the secret of having more sex, at least for me?

Yup, it was. The reason is pretty simple. Before we started enforced chastity, we avoided sexual contact. There were a lot of long standing negative feelings that got in the way of physical love. When we agreed to begin enforced chastity, one stipulation was that Mrs. Lion would periodically unlock me for teasing or for a full orgasm.

It turns out that Mrs. Lion really likes making me come. With the old baggage removed, she got into indulging that pleasure. She tempered it so that I would spend a reasonable (for her) amount of time frustrated and horny. More often than not, after an average of 6.5 days, she would get me off.

Based on my reading of other enforced chastity blogs, I am enjoying a virtual plethora of orgasmic delight. Many guys can count their annual orgasms on one hand. Before enforced chastity, I got most of my orgasms with one hand. [Mrs. Lion – He still does. It’s just my hand now.] Are we doing it wrong? Have I inadvertently stumbled on a steel aphrodisiac? Does that cage make my penis (I know, her weenie.) irresistible? In one sense it does.

Think about it. She now owns it. She calls it her weenie. It is her toy; put away safely in a steel cage between uses. I’m completely out of the picture. I can’t even get an erection unless she wants to take her toy out for some playtime. Mrs. Lion likes her toy. I think she also likes the fact that she is in control of it. How often she plays with it and lets it ejaculate has nothing to do with me, at least from her perspective.

When I proposed enforced chastity, I didn’t have fantasies of excruciatingly long waits between ejaculations. That never really occurred to me. I imagined myself incredibly horny, crazy for release and relief. I imagined Mrs. Lion as a strict disciplining wife who spanked me and, at her whim, gave me orgasms. Obviously, my fantasy mixed two completely different kinks: enforced chastity and domestic discipline. Hey, it was my fantasy. I could have also included bread making in it too if I wanted.

So, for me, the point of all this is control. Perhaps that begs the question. Is the way to exercise control as a keyholder, forcing the male into longer and longer waits? I can’t deny that is certainly one very strong way to demonstrate it. Most guys in this sort of situation seem to have the Stockholm syndrome. They push their partners to extend their waits longer and longer. It becomes a challenge for them, not very different from the one runners feel when they try to make their next run longer than the last.

I’m no runner. I like my orgasms. I don’t think that I’m less of a caged male than the guys who come once every couple of months. I am well aware that I’m having a lot more sex than I did before enforced chastity. I like that. Who wouldn’t?

Now that we are starting our fourth year of enforced chastity, I’ve been thinking about that 6.5 day average. Is it a tad too frequent? I think it might be. The way we got to that 6.5 day number is mathematical averaging of all my waits. Occasionally the wait was only a day or two. Other times, generally when I was under the weather, it extended to a high of 15 days. Most of the time it was 6 days.

If we changed that to seven days, I would get an orgasm on the same day most weeks. If Mrs. Lion  adopted this, say making Saturday Orgasm Day, then if she decided to not give me one on a given Saturday, I would expect to wait until the following Saturday, and so forth. That’s not to say she couldn’t provide a mid-week ejaculation, but it would, like punishment days, provide a semi-predictable day for getting off with occasional improvisations. My typical wait would be 7 days with occasional, possibly frequent, 14 and 21 day waits.

I admit that this idea could be something I could learn to regret if Mrs. Lion decides to adopt it. In one sense, I agree with Savanah; I’m probably getting a bit more than I should. But then I’m ignoring the most important thing about my enforced chastity: It’s all up to Mrs. Lion. I don’t get to decide anything when it comes to my sex life. Time for me to shut up.