We’ve stumbled across our second county fair in as many weeks. They’re very small counties as far as population is concerned, so the fairs don’t offer much. Last week we saw part of a rodeo with six calf ropers and about as many bronco riders. This week’s fair features horse racing, or so the poster promises. It’s been chilly and overcast with showers thrown in for good measure, so we’re waiting a little while for it to warm up. We may run out of things to see after an hour, maybe two. Then we’ll be off on our next adventure.

If you pay attention to the numbers on the right side of the page, you’ll notice that Lion had his orgasm last night. I’m not sure why I did it. It was at least a day early. And he was snarky with me just beforehand. I wanted to suck him to the edge a few times just to really get him going, but as I was sucking I wondered how long he could take it if I did it really slowly. For the most part, what I did was not move my head up and down, but rather I moved my tongue slowly. When I felt him getting close I stopped. And then I went right back to work on him. He lasted quite a long time when I finally went in for the kill.

It’s interesting that he didn’t start bucking. Sometimes when he gets very close to the edge he can’t help himself. Maybe he just couldn’t believe that he was going to get to come. Maybe he just couldn’t believe that he would come so slowly. If you think about a volcano, Lion usually comes like a pyroclastic explosion. Last night was more of a lava flow. A slow and steady trickle, if you will. Still the same amount of yummy goodness, just not all at once.

Lion’s next date is almost two weeks out. It will be one of his longer waits. Certainly nothing compared to other chaste males, but we don’t go for long waits. Lion’s sweet spot is between four and ten days. My sweet spot is whenever I get the urge to let him come. Neither of us is sure when that will be.