I’m on the road. Today is my orientation. It’s a big deal and I am very excited about it. I have to admit that the new job has consumed my attention and distracted me from enforced chastity and FLR. That, of course, doesn’t change anything. I know my rules and who is in charge. We don’t need to actually do anything. In a way, that’s a problem.

One of the main reasons I guy wants to start enforced chastity or a FLR is the excitement he feels when he is locked up and under his keyholder’s control. After a while, this excitement subsides. To get the thrill back he will want stricter rules, longer waits, anything that will bring back the excitement. It’s just human nature. It’s also the most common reason that keyholders / disciplining wives give up.

The problem is that each time the control is increased, the amount of work the keyholder has to perform goes up. Mrs. Lion doesn’t get sexual pleasure from enforcing rules and supervising me. She likes making me happy and enjoys the improvements in our relationship. More isn’t necessarily better for her. While I may want her to be stricter, there is no direct benefit for her. Actually, it’s more work.

We both realize that over time her authority will expand. Her workload may not grow too much. As she consistently enforces her rules, obedience becomes a habit and she doesn’t have to spend too much time enforcing them. That doesn’t mean I am always content when our lifestyle fades into the background. Sometimes I need to feel the power directly. That’s why sometimes I get a maintenance spanking, or Mrs. Lion will remind me of a rule that needs more attention.

FLR and enforced chastity have become integral parts of our lives. We have to be careful to avoid taking it for granted.