When Mrs. Lion had the idea of giving me over two weeks of orgasm on demand, my reaction wasn’t what she imagined. She thought I would be delighted with this abundance of fun. Her reasoning was excellent. She knows I love to come and she thought that giving me over two weeks of as many orgasms as I want should be a giant treat for me. I wasn’t delighted. Here’s why.

A few days ago I wrote about stories. It’s the idea that the really sexy thing about enforced chastity is the story around the denial. Male chastity fantasies are all about these stories. The other day a reader wrote a comment that is a really good chastity fantasy:

“The first time I locked his penis, he was dying to have it [the chastity device]  removed after 24 hours. No matter what time frame we agreed upon he was always needing it off beforehand. I established the guideline that the cage never comes off without a paddling. We wrote it down and signed this rule into effect. The first time that I spanked him I surprised him with how hard I spanked him, it was not sexual or sensual. It was a price to be paid for release.  …He is choosing longer cage times because of the deterrent of spanking. We are currently in a 7 day cage time. When the time was completed I approached him with the key and paddle for release. He chose not to be released because of the paddle.”

Now that is a cool fantasy! She controls when he has a chance for release, but he doesn’t get it free. He has to pay. The idea here is golden! I think the reason it is so hot is that it puts the guy in a situation where he can have an orgasm but has to pay a high price. What puts whipped cream on top is that the keyholder clearly finds his dilemma amusing and works hard to make that “price” as painful as she can. It’s a classic story of control.

Mrs. Lion isn’t big on the story part of things. She occasionally expresses amusement at how frustrated I get. She sometimes makes comments to remind me that I’m powerless. I love it! The fantasy adds a “price” for release. That’s a story we haven’t explored. On the surface, the gift of all the orgasms I want sounds like a great reward. It is. On my sexual menu the orgasm is desert. The entree is the control I feel. That’s what turns me on the most. The element of choice is an interesting twist. In the fantasy, the male always has the choice of successfully enduring a very painful spanking if he wants his scheduled orgasm badly enough. So, any deprivation he felt was because of his decision. He could come any time he wanted, if he was willing to pay the price. He was in control of when he could come. It was all his choice, with a twist. I get aroused thinking about it.

1 Comment

  1. Author

    A great story indeed. My wife hasn’t allowed an orgasm in 19 days. But she instituted a rule last week whereby on Fri and Sat. nights I am to sleep uncaged. This is so if she desires play on either following morning she can play with her ‘toy’ and doesn’t have to worry about getting up to find the key.

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