I always joke that Lion is my knight in slightly tarnished armor. I also tell him I married him for his money, all 87 cents of it. That alone should give you some indication of why, with money as tight as it is, I am still madly in love with Sir Lion. I went into this with an open mind. He wasn’t my savior. He was just a guy I didn’t want to be without. I can’t believe we’ve been together for so long and married for ten years. It seems like the blink of an eye.

As Lion said, he’s difficult to buy for. And money is tight so that makes it even more difficult to find the perfect gift. I was positive I’d found him a lame anniversary gift. I was also positive he wanted it. Who wants a pizza peel for their anniversary? How romantic! It’s one of those things that he really wanted, but for whatever reason wouldn’t buy for himself. That’s where I come in. Street signs, a GoPro, numbers for his sports car when he was learning to race – I find the things he (sometimes) never knew he wanted.

The best thing I ever did for him (for us, really), aside from being together, was agreeing to try chastity. I figured it would be like other things and would end shortly after we started. Nope. I think it was the combination of the blog and chastity that changed us forever. I always hear about people who get renew their vows after twenty years. I would do that with Lion. He means more to me every day. Yeah, we frustrate each other, but I can’t imagine life without him.

At some point today, he will get his orgasm. We’ll have dinner at “our” restaurant. And we’ll snuggle up next to each other like we have almost every night for the past decade plus. And whether he gets a job or not, whether we’re homeless or not, whether we’re sleeping in a cardboard box or not, we’ll snuggle up together for the rest of our lives.

Happy anniversary, Sir Lion.