It doesn’t matter if it’s spring or summer, the Lion weather report usually calls for horniness with periods of extreme horniness followed by more horniness. He’s told me twice today already and it’s not even noon. Poor thing. This nightly edging is really working. I wonder how much longer he can make it.

Last night I discovered that the calendar in the bedroom is, in fact, correct. It says April 17. I thought his last orgasm was April 19. I was wrong. If you don’t think two days matters much, just ask a poor Lion who’s been teased every night since April 17. It matters. And he has no idea when his next orgasm will be. Could be tonight. Could be tomorrow. Could be next week. I was actually wondering last night if I should tell him on that day, before I start to tease him. Or should I keep it a secret right up until the end? Even if he knows before I start teasing him, he won’t know exactly when it will happen. Well, I don’t have to decide right this minute anyway. Have I mentioned he doesn’t know when his next orgasm is? Evil Mrs. Lion.

Tonight is punishment night. At first Lion didn’t mention it this morning. Then he said he almost “forgot” so he would get punished. He feels his back side needs some attention but agreed that wasn’t the way to go about it. So now I think I have to decide on maintenance swats. Mondays and Thursdays are punishment nights. Tuesdays and Fridays are now maintenance swat nights. What does that entail? My Lion’s tush will receive six fairly hard swats just to keep those cheeks accustomed to being rosy. And I give him about a week to realize he should never have asked for maintenance swats in the first place. Silly boy.