Three days is what Lion feels is his optimal wait time. Well I know it’s not. The other day he said if I had let him come it wouldn’t have been the optimal time and that was more than a three day wait. He just wants to come more often. Too bad. I take into account how often he wants to come but I wouldn’t be doing my job if I actually let him come when he wants to. Now if I want him to come that’s another story. I can do it whenever I want. Whether he wants to or not. Of course he rarely resists when I want to give him a bonus orgasm.

I think my pet is also having sophomore slump. Since we got the cage back after his nearly two weeks of being wild, he’s not as happy as he was when it first went on. That first year was full of excitement and new things and the promise of all the wonderful things that would happen now that I am in charge. This second year is less exciting. More of the same. Now the work begins. Second thoughts about giving up control of Mr. Weenie. Uh oh, what have I done?

This morning he emailed me that the cage has been pinching and if it continues he may have to go back to the larger ring. But, oh by the way, you should make me wear it a while longer because it is more secure. He is struggling to control how things go without being able to control how things go. I know the cage is pinching. He was squirming a lot while we were at the movies the other night. I know it’s tighter. I told him his skin was a little pink where the ring is rubbing. We decided he just needed to get used to it. At some point we’ll have to decide how long is long enough. My primary focus is always his comfort. Even when he’s supposed to be uncomfortable (during a spanking, for example) I want the correct amount and type of discomfort. Having the cage pinch and rub for the sake of it being a little more secure doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. I never saw him escaping as an issue.

My poor Lion is having a mini panic attack about having to wait for 16 or 25 days. That’s definitely like having Mt. Everest in front of him. How will he ever manage to climb all the way to the top? For starters, he’s got me as his sherpa. I can encourage him. I can push him. I can pull him. I can yell at him. But somehow we’re getting up the damn hill! And if the weather turns we’ll just hunker down in our sleeping bags together and have some fun.

1 Comment

  1. Author

    Enjoy reading your blogs. Nice to have another perspective of chastity. i feel we, like you are on a odyssey of the mind, not knowing where it is taking us but delighting in the journey.

    16 to 25 days is definitely realistic. At the moment i am in a new regime since 9th January. In that time i have had the privilege of being out once to serve/service Goddess but was not allowed to cum. Our next meeting will have the same outcome I’m sure but no orgasm has been scheduled.

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