When I read Lion’s post I thought it was a good thing neither of us want a marathon wait time. I don’t want him to lose interest in sex. Nor do I want him to be depressed. He’s bad enough sometimes at his six day mark. (Just kidding, Lion.) I had already decided to vary the lengths of his wait times anyway. They still tend to be somewhere around ten days. Maybe I will change it more.

I don’t want to go too long, but I also don’t want to go too short. And some of them have significance, like Christmas eve, New Year’s eve, etc. At this point his shortest is seven days and his longest may be twenty-one again. He made that once so I threw it in for good measure. He’ll probably have a bonus orgasm so it won’t really be a long wait. I don’t want to make him suffer too much. That’s not the point of our chastity play.

Having said that, I had a thought last night that I might try. As I was edging him I decided that I will edge him one more time for every two days during his wait. Last night was once. Tomorrow night will be twice. Saturday night will be three times, etc. I’ll need to be careful as the number increases so I don’t give him a ruined orgasm. The last thing I want is to spoil his scheduled orgasm. If I do this it will be very interesting when his wait time is longer. As always, we’ll have to play it by ear and see how it goes. It may be unmanageable.

Last night I also set my orgasm date. I’m still not sure how I feel about it, but we’ll try it. I think it will be easier on Lion. He’ll know he has a green light and won’t be concerned with rejection. I just have to make sure I am receptive to him. Not that I don’t want him to try. Schedules just make me crazy. Lots of pressure. I like more spontaneity. We’ll find out Sunday how well it works.

Lion was very horny yesterday. I guess it’s to make up from the two weeks he was in pain and not very horny. He’s still got a week to go. He might have to cash in a coupon or two this time. That’s what they’re there for.