For weeks I haven’t really been feeling well. Nothing specific. Just lack of sleep and achiness. Normal for me, but after a while it wears me down to the point that any activity is a chore. This week, without knowing how I was feeling and without being asked, Lion has taken care of dinner most nights. He’s an excellent cook, but I know he doesn’t like making dinner every night anymore than I do. So, to let him know his thoughtfulness was not unnoticed, I decided to reward him.

What do you give a Lion who has everything? A Good Lion coupon good for one bonus orgasm, of course. Well I could have given him a day or two off his “sentence”. Or I could have let him be wild for a day. But I knew the bonus orgasm would be very enticing. Now he’ll have to decide if and when he wants to use it.

But is it just any old bonus orgasm coupon? No it is not. This one comes with the added bonus of not resetting the wait clock. A true bonus orgasm. And, because I’m such a nice person, Lion does not have to use it until December 31, 2014. As I told him, there’s no external pressure to use the coupon quickly. Only his own internal pressure.

It will be interesting to see if he stays the course and waits his full twenty-one days, or if he caves in and uses the coupon. He could always save it. Who knows how long I’ll make him wait in the future?