Last night I had no plans for Lion. No anal play. No teasing. Just a night off. When he mentioned he’d been very horny these past three days I had to remind him it had only been two days. Sunday to Tuesday is two days. He sighed and said he didn’t know how many days it had been but he’s been very horny. He said he could show me if he didn’t have the cage on. I laughed at him and then I told him we wouldn’t be playing.

The truth is, I’m glad he’s horny. He had me worried that week or so that he wasn’t. He told me he does go through what I called the doldrums from time to time, but I probably never really noticed because we weren’t really in tune with each other before. Now that I’m responsible for my weenie’s well-being I do tend to notice when it doesn’t respond. And it definitely responded on Sunday!

If I had taken him out for exercise last night I probably would have given him an orgasm. My weenie is very irresistible especially when he’s super hard. Since neither Lion nor I care too much about making him wait, it’s not a bad thing when I can’t help myself. I’m toying with the idea of riding him reverse cowgirl. He loves that position. But I was thinking of just teasing him with it and not actually letting him come. Is that too cruel? I’m not sure it’s any more cruel than doing it with my hand or mouth. But, just as with my mouth, I know I probably won’t just tease him.

I’m hoping my weenie is ready for attention tonight. Lion is due for a butt plug. Maybe I’ll even let Lion give me some attention. It’s been a while. And, depending on how urgent his need is, I’ll probably give Lion an orgasm too.

[Lion — I love these coming attractions! (pun intended)]