My dream of hibernating this weekend has been dashed. The landlord found someone to fix the rotting deck and he’s supposed to come today. Lion’s car is also scheduled for a maintenance appointment this afternoon. Damn! On the plus side, I think I got some decent sleep last night despite waking up a bunch of times.

More importantly, I punished Lion for forgetting punishment night. I almost got him again for not thanking me. Technically, I should have added swats because he only remembered when I hinted. His sore buns said otherwise but I’m still a pushover for letting him get away with things.

I finally administered the plastic clothespins to his balls. I teased him that the tiny clothespins were plastic. I could have used them. I also have a set of clothespins that are slightly larger than the tiny ones and don’t pack as much punch. That’s not to say they don’t hurt. Strategically placed, they all hurt. I only had about seven regular size plastic clothespins in my bedroom bag of tricks. That’s plenty. I didn’t even put all of them on him.

I edged Lion a few times, sucked him a bit and then left him hanging. He said he was dripping long afterwards. I wish he would have given me some of that pre-cum when I was sucking him. He was frustrated and hornier than ever. He was horny before, but it was worse afterwards. Good. That’s how it should be.

Now I’m realizing I forgot to have him choose another torture from the Box O’Fun. I’ll have to fix that when I’m done writing. He’ll still have plenty of time to think about what’s coming. I can’t really remember but I think there are some good things in the box. Lion just hasn’t chosen them so far.