After touring my daughter’s campus I’m ready to head home. I’ve walked and I’ve sat and I’ve stood. I’m done. It’s a nice place and I’m sure she’ll have lots of fun here. I’m satisfied I’ll know what she’s talking about when she references buildings and departments. Job done.

Tomorrow we’ll finish off with a few more things, give the town the once over and head back to her house. Sunday I don’t leave till late afternoon. One of the oddities of flying west is a later departure while still getting in fairly early.

I will be so glad to get back to Lion. This is the longest rip I’ve taken back to see my kids. Usually it’s a four day trip including flights. That’s too short but maybe eight days is too long. Or maybe I just tried to cram too much stuff into one trip. The side trips wiped me out.

When I do make it home I’ll have to get out of my cat-furred clothes and jump right in the shower. Lion is very allergic to cats and I love them so my daughter’s cat got a lot of attention from me. Even though I’m taking every precaution to avoid bringing cat fur home I know it’s a lost cause. The fur will be coming home with me. All I can do is minimize its effect on Lion.