Guys have developed an amazing mythology around being horny. When anyone is horny, he or she wants sexual release. It is another way of expressing an interest in sex. That’s it. It’s not a disease. There are no recorded cases of a male’s balls exploding from being unable to ejaculate.

Both men and women relieve being horny by masturbating if partner sex is unavailable. A lot of people like to be horny. It’s exciting and fun.

Teenage boys are famous for conning some form of sex out of girls by saying that they are in pain because they are horny. The girls aren’t smart enough yet to just tell the boy to jerk off and he will be fine.

Why do some guys want to wear a chastity device and be prevented from orgasmic release? I’m sure every woman whose partner has asked to be locked up has asked herself this question. If she realizes he is jerking off for do-it-yourself release, she might welcome the idea of locking him up. Mrs. Lion was surprised that I masturbated before my lockup.

She didn’t like the idea that anyone but her could make me ejaculate. Apparently, monogamy to her meant no one, including me could get me off. Other women don’t mind their husbands beating their meat. They might just feel he is doing a chore she would otherwise have to do. The simple fact is that we males don’t have to come. We can have an orgasm-free life with no serious problems.

I actually like being horny. If I am horny and edged, essentially I am enjoying sexual pleasure over an extended period of time. If Mrs. Lion gets me off, my interest in sex goes away for a while. Now, after four years of enforced chastity, my sexual interest is low for up to three days after ejaculating. My interest then grows until my next squirt.

The male orgasm really isn’t the goal. I know that we males think it is. But after thinking about it for a long time, I disagree. The race – the time I spend wanting an orgasm – is actually at least as much fun as the orgasm itself. In a way, ejaculating is just a way to restart the race. In my case, if I don’t have one, after a while my interest in sex goes down. I’m not claiming it is lost. It’s not. It just stops being something I think about very often. All that is needed is a brief session with the Magic Wand and my interest is high again.

This all came up in the context of Mrs. Lion’s comments about keeping me horny or getting me off. She prefers getting me off. She wonders why sometimes after I come, that I ask her why she didn’t make me wait. I think that in her mind, she is surprised I don’t share her enthusiasm for ejaculation. I would be crazy to say that I don’t. I love to come. But I also love waiting.

If she asks me if I want to come after she has brought me to the edge of ejaculation a few times, she has to realize I will always say yes. Similarly, if while she is spanking me, she asks if I want her to stop, of course I say I do. Both are honest answers in the heat of the moment. But if she asks me at a time when there is distance between the sensations, I may surprise her with my answer.

In the case of spanking, I know she can be considerably more severe. I think I want that. In terms of orgasms, it’s more difficult. Can I wait ten or twenty days? Yes, of course. Will I like it? No, absolutely not. Really? Well maybe I won’t exactly hate it. I don’t know.

Mrs. Lion seems to have an informal 7 day target for my orgasms. It’s fair. We never went for records. Am I ready to come now? Oh yes! I want to very badly. The edging I get nearly every day contributes to this desire. Does that mean I should get that orgasm? No, not necessarily. I won’t explode. It depends on how much fun Mrs. Lion has when I am bucking desperately trying to get that last little bit into heaven and then she says, “Not today.” If that’s fun, then she should enjoy it. But not too much.