I knew Lion was writing his post for this morning while I was writing mine for yesterday. I swear neither one of us peeked at the other’s post. We just seem to write about similar things at the same time. I hope it’s interesting reading both points of view.

I was banking on the fact that it would be somewhat difficult for Lion to be wild while he’s waiting for an orgasm. If someone tells me not to do something, quite often that’s the only thing I want to do. On the other hand, if someone says, “I bet you can’t do X” I will turn myself inside out to avoid doing X. I don’t know how Lion views keeping his hands off my weenie.

Last night Lion wondered when he would be caged again. I was allowing him to be wild during his recovery because he’s still frequently in pain and probably will be for a while. Plus his mobility is still hampered by not being able to use his right arm. I figure it’s still challenging to stand from sitting on the toilet and sitting is the safest way to pee with the cage on. Lion reasoned that with that logic he wouldn’t be caged for the rest of 2017. I wasn’t looking quite that far. I thought about things while I was showering and came up with a more concrete date.

In a few weeks we embark on our first camping trip over the long 4th of July weekend. I decided Lion could stay wild until we come back from that trip. It still gives him more time to recover, but sets a limit to his wildness. He likes limits. He likes knowing exactly what will happen when. Lion says it’s up to me when the cage goes back on. Done deal. That’s my decision.

A few hours later, Lion said it seems too long to wait another two weeks to be locked up. I’m not sure if he’s looking at it from a I’m-horny-and-I-can’t-keep-my-hands-off point of view or if he’s looking to get back to normal more quickly. I think I made a decision, which is big for me under normal circumstances. Doing it when we haven’t really gotten back to normal is huge. There are at least two ways to look at this. One, I should stick to my guns because I made a decision and changing it undermines my authority. Two, I’m trying to challenge Lion to keep his hands off my weenie when he’s getting hornier and hornier every day. If those two things don’t say we’re getting back to normal, I don’t know what does.

Although I’ve decided to edge Lion and make him wait for an orgasm, I never told him how long he’ll be waiting. To him, every day is the day and every day is not the day. Sort of a Schroedinger’s cat conundrum. I didn’t say he’d be waiting until July 4th for his orgasm. He might be. It depends on how difficult he makes it for me in those two weeks. If he keeps telling me he should be caged, he might wait that long. The more difficult he makes it for me, the more difficult I can make it for him. Maybe 2.0 is here after all. [Lion — Interesting point. Making me wait longer at this point is reasonable. But Mrs. Lion tends to be impulsive once she gets her hands on her weenie. I think the issue is less whether I can handle it than whether she can resist. Just sayin’]