I took the night off last night. By that I mean we didn’t play. I didn’t explain anything to Lion, but he was snoozing a little again so I guess he got the idea. Or he didn’t care. I was a little overwhelmed with chores that needed to be done when I got home. Plus traffic was bad so it delayed my arrival. And both of us forgot it was punishment night. Lion reminded me this morning. I guess it was just an off day for both of us.
Tonight we’ll do better. I need to start off with some swats for missing punishment night. From there I’ll do some edging. I haven’t decided if I should march headlong into making him wait at this point, or if I should give him an orgasm to make sure his semen production is indeed back to normal. I’d say I know which he’d vote for but sometimes I’m not sure. When I think he’d love an orgasm, he’d rather wait. That’s okay. He can’t figure me out either. He’ll say he’s sure I’ll want to do X, but I really want to do Y. I guess with all our talk of communication and knowing each other, we’re still pretty much a mystery to the other.
Along with the chores that come with a weekend, I think we need to get back into some sort of rhythm when it comes to playing. Not that we had any real schedule to begin with, but weekends usually have some extra time to play. We should at least snuggle more. I know it’s my fault that we don’t. I keep my nose buried in the iPad too much. While Lion recovered, I lost myself in my stupid games. Now that he’s getting better, I need to get better too.
Well, now Lion has a little more to look forward to the weekend.