We’ve been away for two weekends in a row. We have a lot of catching up to do withki chores. We also have to clear out the camper. We also have to find time to play. We didn’t play last night because I’ve been feeling horrible again. And Lion was snoozing a bit too.

I swear short weeks feel longer than regular weeks. And the weekend will be over in the blink of an eye. But in addition to playing with Lion, I have to do some manscaping. His balls are pretty furry. It’s been almost a month I think. I’m hoping he’ll have less hair this time around. Of course, the light can’t zap gray hairs so those will keep coming back, but the majority should be disappearing by now.

Last night was the second punishment night this week without any offenses for Lion. He’s been a very good boy. I’ve been the one dropping food on myself. He made a comment not too long ago that maybe he should get to spank me for dropping food. We laughed and laughed about that. Nope. He’s not swatting me. Not only is that not our arrangement, but I also have no desire to be swatted. And besides, when I suggested a very long time ago that I might be a more effective top if I had some experience as a bottom, he was dead set against it. No take backs. He had his chance and he blew it. He insisted I would like it too much and wouldn’t want to switch back to top. Ha! I doubt that. I can take a good amount of pain, but I do not go out of my way to seek it out.

If I had to guess on any plans for the weekend, I’d say there’s a very good chance Lion will get a nice, long play spanking this weekend. We talked about it a few weeks ago and I never got around to doing it. I think he deserves one. Maybe not like he deserves punishment swats, but in the sense that it’s been a long time and he’s been a good boy. Play spanking can be used as a reward, I think. Especially if that spanking has a long, slow buildup. I wonder if Lion is getting turned on just reading about his impending rosy cheeks. I hope so. I know he loves to be spanked. And if I tie him to the bed, he likes it even more.

I bet Lion is drooling by now!  [Lion – Oh yes!]