Mrs. Lion and I slept in yesterday. Then we ventured out to run a few errands. When we got home, we were both exhausted. We undressed, got into bed, and fell asleep. Dinner was a rotisserie chicken we bought when we were out. Needless to say, sex and play were out. We did talk about it and agreed that as soon as we feel better, we will begin again.

I’m getting better. Yesterday, I just couldn’t write a post. Now I’m up and at the computer. We both think we are on the mend now. I sure hope so. I spent my first week at work coughing and feeling tired. I had an overnight business trip that was exhausting in my weakened condition. Next Sunday I am off again; this time for five nights.

We discussed how the recent hiatus in play and overt FLR affects our writing. We discussed whether we should just stop writing until we felt better and had some hot adventures to share. We agreed that we shouldn’t. What we are going through now is a normal part of life. If FLR and enforced chastity are to be more than kinky play, we all have to accept that times like this will happen to everyone.

One issue that I’m a little unsure about is the chastity device. At this point it isn’t needed to assure I won’t masturbate or get into any stimulating trouble. Is it needed to remind us to keep playing? Will we fall back into the sexless, roommate mode without it. I’ve been wild for a couple of weeks now. I don’t want to put it back on right now. I like that I have one less thing to think about as I find my way in my new job. Mrs. Lion is agreeable.

The question in my mind is: If we don’t have the cage that is a constant reminder of Mrs. Lion’s sexual control, will we both just forget about sex entirely? I can see that happening. Maybe it’s because I am sick, but I haven’t had any interest in coming the entire time I have been wild.  After I get better, will my libido return? Can Mrs. Lion breathe life back into it? I’m worried about that.


  1. Author

    Lion:Not always is the chastity a sustainer of arousal. If I am wild as you call it I can be aroused and restrained. I will eventually challenge my wife to keep me aroused as long as she can. That might include some basic positions she ties me in or an unspecific time in stocks mentioned to hold me till she uses a paddle on my backside. What thing turns you on and your wife can prolong will keep the fire alive so to speak and she may have to do very little to monitor and keep you in that state.

  2. Author

    Pain may not be the way but her promising you will never touch yourself again or a piercing PA might get a rise out of you. Viagra is for folks with no imagination.

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