I’ve debated in the past whether I can force Lion to be interested in sex. The truth is, I can’t force him any more than he can force me. If I was interested I suppose I could force him to give me orgasms even if he wasn’t interested. But here we are, neither of us interested. For the moment. I know Lion will change his mind eventually. I’m not positive about myself, but I know I can count on Lion.

So how do we avoid falling into the abyss of no-sex-land? I think we can do it if we keep communicating. What can I do to help? What can he do to help? Is he interested right now? Can we try again later? The important thing is to never give up. I don’t mean I’ll keep badgering him all night. Are you ready yet? How about now? Now? That won’t help. I mean if I ask at 8 and he says no then maybe I’ll check in with him at 9 or 10. No pressure. Just testing the water. Of course, if something changes for him he can always let me know he’s ready.

My challenge is to balance between the itchy-Lion grumpiness and the toddler grumpiness. There will probably be times when he pushes too far. That’s when I have to get out my whomping stick and show him where the boundary is. Lion doesn’t think there should be an allowance for his itchiness. Why not? If he had the flu I wouldn’t whomp him for being grumpy. He gets a certain amount of leeway when he’s sick. That boundary may be movable, but it’s still there. If he’s grumpy just to be grumpy, that boundary will snap back very quickly. Nurse Mrs. Lion can turn into Nurse Ratchet in the blink of an eye.

For now, Nurse Mrs. Lion is a very loving and understanding top. Just watch your step, my pet.