Happy weekend! We are off to visit one of Mrs. Lion’s cubs. She’s very excited about going. I don’t know her daughter at all. We only met a couple of times when she was six or seven. Now she is a teenager. I’ll also meet her ex for the first time. That will be interesting, perhaps. I just want Mrs. Lion to have time with her daughter. That’s the entire purpose of this trip.

As you know, this is a difficult time for us both. Mrs. Lion has been completely supportive and loving. I was very smart to grab her when I could! She keeps presenting me with the opportunity for some teasing. For the last couple of days I have demurred. I am writing this post on Friday afternoon, since we will be on the road on Saturday. At this point I am interested in some play. That doesn’t mean by the time we get into bed the interest will still be alive.

Being my keyholder puts Mrs. Lion on this emotional roller coaster with me. I’m grateful for her understanding and patience. One of the key lessons I am learning during these hard times is that we can continue FLM and enforced chastity even when other things are looming so large over us. A time like this is a true test of the strength of our love and our commitment to one another. It’s also a test of our commitment to FLM and enforced chastity. For whatever reason we are hanging on even with the ups and downs of my libido.

You’ll have to forgive me if I am making this post very short. I’m in one of those emotional troughs and find it hard to come up with much stimulating chat. I’ll do better tomorrow.