Per our agreement, I am supposed to play with Lion at least every other day. Sunday night I gave him a few ruined orgasms, by his count. So it seemed reasonable to let him stew in his own juices on Monday night. It probably was reasonable. But a horny Lion is not a reasonable being. I’m not sure how many times he told me he was horny or scooched closer on the bed. I played with his balls for a little while and licked him through the cage. When I asked him if it felt good he said it would be much better without the cage. I reminded him that it was his idea to be caged. He said he should have used one of his coupons. I told him I could always make him wait another day. He didn’t appreciate that very much.

This morning, on the way to work, I started wondering if he is hornier now than before his caging. I know back then he could take care of himself if he needed to, but how often was he horny? Did he relieve himself every three days? Did he ever make himself wait? “We’ll just wait another day and see if she gets the hint.” They say men think about sex every seven seconds. Some days I think that’s true of Lion. At least some nights I think it is.

Is he hornier now because he knows he can’t do anything about it on his own? He wants it because he can’t have it. He’s still got X number of days left so it’s on his mind more. Like a kid at Christmastime. All those presents under the tree and he can’t open them till Christmas morning and he just needs to know what’s in that red one right over there, right this minute!

Maybe he’s hornier because I’m giving him what he wants and it turns him on. The act of locking him up has heightened things. I’m in charge and he knows it. He’s reminded of it every time he feels the cage.

Or is he not really any hornier than usual but I just notice it more because he can’t take care of it himself? He needs me to give him a helping hand, or mouth, etc. He has to tell me because I’m the only one who can do anything about it. Even if I won’t do anything about it. Even if what I do only makes him hornier.

Lion — I am much hornier than before. Yes, I used to wait an extra day to see if Mrs. Lion would do something for me, but it was nothing like this.  Normally, I would masturbate every three days or so. Mrs. Lion really has my number now!]