Lion wants me to tease him until it is no longer possible for him to come. Without realizing it, I almost did it last night. What I was trying to do was break him and by that I mean make it so he could no longer get hard. I’ve done that in the past. I’ve read accounts of women turning their males into human dildos but I never thought of doing it. Maybe because I’m not a very horny person.

So I’ve agreed to do this to Lion to see if he likes the feeling. And I know he wants me to use him for my pleasure. The thing is, I’d feel bad using him like that. It’s very difficult for me not to reciprocate and I think knowing that there was no way for him to come, especially since I did it to him, would bother me a lot. When I ride him it’s for mutual enjoyment. I want him to come. I’ve never even been mad the few times I’ve been working toward my own orgasm and he came first. And that was when my libido was mostly intact.

I’ll tease him as much as he wants me too. And probably more than he wants me to. I’ll probably even use him as a human dildo if he really wants me to, but unless I get super horny (and Lion would love that) I don’t think this is something I’d initiate for my own pleasure. Making Lion uncomfortable is one thing; making myself uncomfortable is another. But I’m all for experimenting with it for him.