Last night I took Lion out of his cage for some exercise. I really just intended to give him some attention and maybe edge him. I hadn’t started out with spanking or any other playing so, while hard, he wasn’t very excited. Then I asked him if he wanted to come or if he wanted to wait. I wish you could have seen the look on his face! He was shocked. He probably thought it was a trick question. He said he will always choose to come. It wasn’t a trick question. And he could have easily said he wanted to wait. Of course, just because he wants to come doesn’t mean he will necessarily. I like to have his opinion.

I still didn’t have that sense of urgency to give him an orgasm, but I decided to give him one. I just felt like it. It really didn’t have anything to do whether he wanted one or not. I actually thought he would want to wait and I would have been fine with that too. I really just wanted to see what he would say. I told Lion he would have to eat it if I allowed his orgasm. He said he knew. I edged him a few times just to be sure he knew that he could never really be sure when, or if, he would get to come. Once I grabbed his balls he knew though.

As he came I wondered if he knew he’d have to eat it, is there a way he could control how much semen he produces? I didn’t really think he could, but he did wind up with just a tiny ejaculate. I attribute that to the fact that I didn’t play with him to get him excited. But it would be very interesting if he could. I would love it if he could produce more when it was my turn. When it’s his turn to eat it, it’s not the amount that matters. As long as he gets the (what he considers nasty) taste of it I think the message is received.

I need to get back into the swing of things. It’s been very low key around here lately and I’d like to get it ramped back up. The lazy days of summer are lulling us to sleep. Enough of that! Starting tonight I will be more attentive to my pet’s needs. I would say his wants, but we know he doesn’t really want all the mean things I do while it’s happening. He does, however, have a deep seated need for them. And he will get them. Fair warning!