My current — all of ten minutes old — theory is that the reason it drove me crazy when Lion was imprisoned for twelve days straight without an orgasm is because I couldn’t give him an orgasm.  I wanted what I couldn’t have. When the wait time dropped to four days, I wasn’t as crazy. Probably for the same reason Lion wasn’t as horny. It was just four days.

Now that the time is flexible I wonder how it will affect us. We don’t have a date to shoot for. There’s no “oh my god, that so far away” feeling. Maybe knowing that I don’t have to wait will make me more inclined to wait. I know when I have a present for Lion I cannot wait to give it to him. Birthday. Christmas. It doesn’t matter. Just knowing I have to wait makes me insane. One year he got his birthday present a few months early and then he got his Christmas present for his birthday and then I had to get him another Christmas present.

I’m interested to see how teasing him factors into all of this too. We haven’t been playing much in the past week. If I up the intensity will it up our need to have him orgasm? I am on a mission to find out! I’m betting Lion will be more than happy to participate in this experiment.

This is just one more learning experience for us. Who knew I would feel the effects of Lion’s waiting? It’s all new.