I hope Lion doesn’t think of me as his mother. Firstly, no woman wants to be compared to her mother-in-law. Secondly, I never met her but from what I’ve heard, she was a piece of work. If I take care of him like his mother did, he should divorce me right now! However, I do understand what he means. I guess if I think about it, I do feel a little maternal toward him. He is dependent on me for sexual release and attention. Because of that, he does tend to act like a toddler. Poor Lion. Horny Lion. Whine, whimper, pout.

Last night he definitely needed attention. He’s at day five or six so he’s tree-humping horny. Do I really want to make him wait fifteen more days? Some days I don’t care when he has an orgasm. Today, tomorrow, a week from Thursday. He’s horny, let’s do it. I know I’m in charge so I should just give him one whenever I feel like it. Then other days I know it’s important to him that we have a date set. And he wants to be challenged to wait longer and longer. But when I picked twenty-one days again, he really didn’t like the idea. I’m not sure if the allure is more from the attention he gets because he’s caged and can’t fend for himself or from the denial. Maybe it’s just the fact that he can’t fend for himself. The fact that I have the power over him.

At any rate, last night he got a short spanking to tame his horniness. I’m sure it only added to it, but he needed attention and that’s the sort of attention he got. If I had tried to edge him I probably would have let him come. Not because I wanted him to come, but because at that point I didn’t care if he came or not. He could easily have talked me into it. And then he would have been upset that I let him. That’s a lose-lose situation.

Right now, we are on track for his September 30 orgasm. He will receive attention at least every other day. He may receive attention more often, as he did last night. He may, in fact, receive more attention than he actually wants. He may get attention that he doesn’t want. I’ve been teasing him with the idea of IcyHot on his balls. Poor Lion. What if he got spanked every night? Or if he was plugged every night. He may ask for less attention. I doubt it though. He’d probably be in heaven.