Mrs. Lion and I don’t make much fuss for the holidays. I suspect she would like to do more than we do. I’m all in favor of accommodating her desire. A change would be nice.

Speaking of change, I’m starting to question what I am doing here. Every day for four years (give or take), Mrs. Lion and I have faithfully shared our thoughts and experiences. In over 2,600 posts our readers have shared each and every sexual moments of our marriage. I’ve spent substantial amounts of money keeping this blog available. Why would we do it? More specifically, why would I use valuable time and money for this pursuit?

I know we have a lot of readers. I use tools to let me know how many people read and what they look at. It’s good that we are one of the most popular sexually-oriented blogs in the world. But it’s not that good a feeling; at least for me. Lots of anonymous people find us every day. They read our words and then fade back into the mist.  A tiny percentage of our readers let us know they like what they read (they click the “like” button). Another minute fraction leave comments.

Of course, we aren’t alone in this. The vast majority of people consider the Web the same way they think of TV: they read some and then change the channel. I’m not ungrateful for your attention. I like it. But do I like it enough to work as hard as I do to put something new in front of you every day?

I suppose every writer gets to this point.  I own my  own printing press (this blog), so anything I want to say is immediately published. That’s cool. Based on blog popularity polls (not readership), we don’t even make the list most of the time. Of course, like blogs, the polls are the product of a single mind. So it doesn’t represent a real measure of the writers who are rated.

I have my own favorites. On top of my list (not surprisingly) is “Strict Julie Spanks“. It’s well written, sexy, and has given real help to us. I’ve grown to love it’s writer. She leaves regular comments here that provide insight we can use to enrich our activities. I like others as well. Some stand out because the writing is verbal fireworks that provide fleeting-but-beautiful images in my mind. Others are gritty and poorly written, but spark me at some level. A few sadden me. I read them because I hope that their writers will wake up and realize the futility of their searches.

The glorious anonymity of blogging allows some people to expose realities they would never share if they had to sign their names. They get a chance to expose hidden places with no real risk.

All of us have some expectations that drive our hours spent writing. Some are using their blogs as a giant personal ad. They seek the ideal “sub”. Sadly, their search is confined to guys who are younger, fit, and instantly submissive. From what I’ve read, these bloggers rarely find what they seek. Some read blogs and decide that they want to share too. These blogs rarely have a point of view. They are descriptions of sexual events in their lives or imaginations. These can be great reads.

Ours started because I thought it would be cool to journal my entry into enforced chastity. My inspiration was the movie “Julie and Julia”. It was about a woman who decided to cook every recipe in a Julia Childs cookbook and write a post every day about her adventures in cooking. I figured it would be fun to do the same thing with our try at enforced chastity.

After a while, the blog became a daily part of our lives. I don’t think either of us gave much though to why we were putting in the work to write a post every day. We used each other’s posts as a form of long form email. Our posts became a thoughtful conversation we share with you. We could just as easily do this as email or a private blog.

The lack of feedback (comments) kept our conversation feeling almost as private as email. The knowledge that we have thousands of silent readers who we would never meet didn’t detract from the sense of privacy. The only comments I ever get about missing a post come from Mrs. Lion. A few times a week we get email (private feedback) from people who generally want chastity device fitting advice. Based on their writing, they never read a word we wrote. They just googled “male chastity” and then clicked “Contact Us”. I don’t answer them.

From the perspective of a web site professional, we are successful. We rank very high on the search engines. Lots of people visit and click on a variety of pages. From my personal perspective I don’t feel that positive. I was hoping that the blog would be more interactive. I wanted to feel a sense of community with other writers. That community doesn’t exist. I suppose I wanted praise too. I know that I am a good writer. I’m not so sure that I have all that much to say.

I can fade into the sunset. If I leave the blog accessible, I doubt our reader count will go down much if I never write another word. Sure, some people will lose a daily read. But if they go back to 2014 and start over, it will be a long time before they’ll notice I’m gone. I have no illusions about this. Yesterday’s post ends up lining the bottom of the figurative bird cage. The static pages on enforced chastity and discipline remain popular.

In the Facebook, Instagram, Twitter world the blog is a dusty relic. Maybe the weight of all that dust is going to sink me. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. But it’s possible you won’t find out from me.

I’m an avid reader of other blogs about male chastity, spanking, and lifestyle power exchanges. I’m a big fan of Strict Julie Spanks, a blog that accurately reports BDSM scenes between Julie and her husband. The reason this site deserves particular mention is that Julie doesn’t just do scenes that relate to the fantasies of her husband and she. She incorporates the fantasies of her readers in her real-life activities.

It’s true that her posts are “enhanced” to make them more arousing to her almost-entirely male readership. But, she assures me that the activities described are real and the action is accurately reported.

I don’t normally do commercials for other blogs. Bloggers are selfish hoarders of their readers. In the past I’ve written about other blogs without any acknowledgment or reciprocation. Julie is the lone exception. That’s not why this post is about her.

Aside from being hot, her posts offer insight into how to build a successful BDSM scene. For example, even though I’ve taught many workshops on spanking technique, when it came to my own punishment, I felt that there needed to be a difference between punishment and play spanking. Julie taught me that I was wrong.

It turns out that punishment spanking is exactly the same as “play” spanking. Simply beating someone as hard as you can from the start certainly didn’t work when Mrs. Lion tried that on me. I couldn’t take much at all. But, when she used the tried-and-true technique of gradual buildup, a spanking went from eight swats to hundreds. It wasn’t fun for me. It hurt a lot and left me sore and red.

She could successfully send me a painful message in a way I could barely handle; but I could handle it. Julie’s explicit descriptions of her work on her husband were the inspiration I needed to suggest this change to Mrs. Lion. As a result, our FLR with discipline became more effective.

The reason I picked this particular time to recommend Julie’s blog is her most recent post, “Husband Made to Take the Breast“. She took suggestions from her readers and incorporated some in her scene. In this case it was simulated breast feeding. I have no idea if this is something either of them wanted before the suggestion, but based on her post she did a fantastic job of creating a living fantasy.

For the record, I’m not interested at all in Mrs. Lion breast feeding me. This example is a way of illustrating the kind of creativity that makes her blog so much fun to read. She’s been writing for about six years. Her content is always fresh. I’ve gone back and read her earlier posts. There’s a fun, consistent story of a couple’s evolution in BDSM. That’s rare in the blogosphere.

As a blogger, I generally confine my writing to discussion of our interests and feelings. I figure that once in almost 2,500 posts I can talk about the blog itself and about how it affects me. Both of us like writing. I guess that much is obvious. We like reading what each other writes. Every day we exchange quite a few emails. Most of them are short; all express our love for one another. Sometimes, Mrs. Lion sends me previews via the blog of what we will be doing that evening. Other times, she surprises me and then tells you about it the next day.

You have an effect on me. Even though we have a lot of readers, I react to the comments and contacts you make. This blog is a form of social media. Unlike a newspaper or magazine, a blog is often a conversation between the blogger and readers. I’ve learned a lot from readers who have taken the time to comment on what we write. Sometimes we also feel pride that we have helped someone. That feels amazing. Thank you if you’ve let us know we’ve been useful. It makes my day.

We don’t “print” every comment we get. From the first, I decided we wouldn’t be a forum for narratives for chastity experiences if their only point is to provide an outlet about those experiences. On the other hand, if a comment has a point and is illustrated by the writer’s experiences, then those descriptions are very welcome. I realize that other bloggers welcome narratives written without relevance to the post they follow. That’s fine. I want the discussion here to expand on the conversation.

As a rule, very few comments need to be deleted. Generally, one person will write a series of long descriptions of enforced chastity, domestic discipline, etc. The most recent case was a series of seventeen comments about a whole two months of chastity experience. I indulged it for a while, but finally just deleted the lot. On the other end of the scale is a small group of people whose comments always add to the dialogue. Often, we learn from these people.

That doesn’t mean you have to be an expert to join in. You don’t. All you need is an interest in what we are discussing. Ask questions. Tell a joke. Offer your viewpoint. All that is very welcome. I love it when we get a discussion going. It’s rare around here, but when it happens I love it.

Wanna make me happy? Add a comment. Thanks.

Lion just told me I can write a post if I want to, so here I am. I have to say, it’s a completely different setup than we had before and maybe I can make it more similar in setup, but for the moment this is just all too weird.

I’m not entirely sure I have anything of substance to say even after this long break. I guess the only news, other than the server crashing, is that Lion is still in quite a bit of pain. We’re trying to determine if it’s because he/we haven’t been following through with his physical therapy. He’s been out of his sling more often than not so I assumed he was moving his arm enough to offset the lack of actual therapy movement. But then it started hurting worse. Maybe it’s because he’s been out of the sling more than he should have been. Maybe he should have been using ice more often. Maybe he should have gone to Hawaii for recovery. Maybe if I had dyed my hair red it would have been better. Every guess seems just as unlikely and likely as the next.

Lion even considered not bringing the blog back. I’m not a computer person, so I don’t understand how difficult it is to keep a blog up and running. Sometimes I think it’s a hassle to come up with a post every day. Is it more of a hassle to keep the blog running? Don’t you just set it up and let it go? Like a self-driving car? I have no idea. Anyway, ultimately he decided that the blog helps us, and maybe other people too, so he got it set up through Word Press itself. Restoring previous posts takes more time, but he’s trying.

Since he’s been in more pain, and still sleeping quite a bit, we haven’t done much even along the lines of snuggling. In his more lucid moments, he wants to jump right back in with both feet. Obviously it’s not the feet that are the problem. If his shoulder hurts, he takes pain meds. If he takes pain meds, he’s not interested in sex. That may be incorrect. He may be interested in sex; he just can’t do anything about it. He’s worried the longer we wait, the greater the possibility that we won’t return to business as usual. I won’t let that happen. I just need to be sure he’s ready to return to business as usual. Moving too quickly could be detrimental to his recovery. So we wait.

I think, and maybe I’m reading too much into it, that the fact that he put in the effort to get the blog back up is a good sign. He could have just stayed in bed and snoozed. Instead, he joined the world of the living for a few hours. He sat at his desk and took the first steps toward remaining vertical and getting back to work. And then the pain kicked in and he went back to bed. Oh well. Baby steps.