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We took our camper for repairs yesterday. That’s why Mrs. Lion didn’t have a post. Nothing much has been going on around here. Yesterday morning Mrs. Lion asked me if I had reminded her on Thursday that it was punishment day. I thought I did, but couldn’t clearly remember. She couldn’t either so she’s assuming I did. That’s good, it saves me a spanking.

We haven’t been sleeping very well. I don’t know if it’s the humidity, summer allergies, or none of the above. I’ve been watching old TV shows deep into the night. This invariably leads to me sleeping a little late and then being tired the next evening after dinner.

True to her word, Mrs. Lion has been offering to play with me at about 5 PM each day. The combination of having ejaculated only a day or two ago and being tired has prompted me to thank her for her interest and then beg off. I’m sure that won’t last.

Today we are going to make another trip to the pickle farm. It’s our third in two weeks. We are thoroughly enjoying our home canning and pickling experiences. Our first attempt at kosher dill pickles was okay but not exactly as good as we wanted. I found the book, The Joy of Pickling (no kidding!). It has what looks like a very good recipe for the pickles I want to make.

We also made blueberry and raspberry jam. Both turned out incredibly good. The blueberry jam isn’t just a mush like most jams. Entire blueberries are in it and burst delightfully in the mouth. I’m thinking that we may want to make another batch while we can.

I’m not sure what got this domestic frenzy started but it’s fun. It’s been at least 10 years since the last time we did any of this sort of thing. When Mrs. Lion told her colleagues at work about our pickling and canning, they commented that they now know what they’re going to get for Christmas this year. Fat chance! This stuff is way too good to share.

Since we haven’t been on the road at all this summer, maybe all this preserving is our way of compensating for the lack of travel. We have one more trip scheduled mid-September. It’s going to take us to the southern end of the state on the shore of the Columbia River. We are both very partial to this part of the world. Across the river from our campsite is Oregon. Less than an hour’s drive takes us along the Deschutes River where we can see Indians fishing for salmon off of wooden platforms suspended above the rapids. This is an ancient tradition and amazing to see.

Now that the weekend is here, perhaps we will have sexier stuff to report tomorrow.

When I read some of the male chastity forums, I see device reviews that make a big deal out of their security. This puzzles me. I don’t think these references are concerns that someone will steal the chastity device. it seems that some guys want to be sure that they can’t escape. “Pull out” is the common term for the ability to extract the penis from a chastity device by pulling it out through the back of the base ring. With most devices, this can be painful to do. The purpose of pulling out is to permit unauthorized masturbation.

Good grief! Really?

I get it. Common male chastity fantasies center on the male being an unwilling victim who is cruelly locked in a chastity device. His hormones are in such disarray that he will do anything to ejaculate. Since his cruel keyholder won’t let him out, he has to escape if he wants to jerk off.

Maybe that’s a hot fantasy, but it makes absolutely no sense for most guys. First of all, male chastity is proposed by the male. He measures himself and buys the chastity device. Usually, he has to convince a potential keyholder to lock him up and hang on to the keys. He wants her to let him get really horny before she unlocks him. Why would he worry about whether he could escape without a key? The only real worry is that the device has to fit well enough so that his junk won’t fall out.

If he is so immature that he might want to pull out and masturbate, he faces a problem if he succeeds. If you think it is difficult to pull out, try pushing your penis back in! It’s possible with some devices, but it isn’t easy. Even if it was simple to escape and get back, doing that defeats the entire reason he asked to be locked up.

Some guys get off believing they are truly trapped in their male chastity devices. They want “security” to make the fantasy real. Generally speaking, increasing device security will decrease comfort. A tight base ring will make it harder to pull out. It will also chafe and make wearing the device misery. Some guys use piercings to anchor the device to their penises. This is effective but not escape-proof.

Way back 30 years ago, most guys who were into male chastity devices had no real interest in keyholders. They built and wore chastity devices to test how secure they were. A guy would make or buy a device and lock himself in. The rule was that he was stuck in the device until he could escape without the key. Once he escaped, he would look for a tougher challenge. He had two incentives to escape quickly: He wanted to brag how good he was as an escape artist, and the longer it took the hornier he got.

Most of us have long realized that the most important value a male chastity device can have is comfort. Of course, it has to suppress erections and make masturbating while locked up as difficult as possible. Mostly it has to be fun to wear. I enjoy wearing mine; especially when Mrs. Lion is in control.

evotion orion
This is the black Evotion Orion male chastity device. This is how mine will look when it is reprinted.

The Evotion people got back to me about replacing the dog-chewed component of my Orion male chastity device (My Evotion Dog Snack). They offered to print a new one at a reasonable cost. Since I had trouble with fading on my original device, they strongly suggested I get the jet black version. Unlike the other colors, this version is actually printed using black nylon material. It will stay the same color. They also offered to reprint (it seems so odd to refer to a solid device being “reprinted”) the entire device so that the colors would match.

I’m in love with the matte black finish. I think it has a macho, industrial feel to it. I’m especially impressed by how understanding Yvonne at Evotion has been. It’s clear that she is very sensitive to how I feel about my chastity device. That means a lot to me. Aside from being cool looking, the black Orion resolves the details of the design even better than the red one I had before.

Even before the dog ate my chastity device, I had decided that for me the Orion is absolutely perfect in terms of comfort and function. Unlike other devices I have worn, including the Jail Bird, the longer it stayed on the happier I became with it. Because it’s made from medical-grade nylon, it’s very light. A good deal of the time I’m unaware that it’s even there. Because of the design, I can hardly feel pressure when I attempt to get erect. Everything stays very well contained and comfortable. That means my sleep is never interrupted by the chastity device.

My pet peeve with wearing a cage is difficulty with peeing standing up. The head of my penis can move inside of the Jail Bird cage, for example.  My urethra can be partially blocked by one of the bars. That means that urine sprays everywhere unless I use a Q-tip to push the head back into position. That is a real annoyance for me. I had similar problems with every other chastity device I’ve tried. I know other men do as well. Many just end up sitting down to urinate.

lion's penis head
Center section “locks” into the groove under the head.

My urethra stays centered and in place when I wear the Orion. I don’t have to think about it at all when I need to go to the bathroom. I haven’t had a single problem urinating standing up while wearing it. I consider that amazing. There is a good reason it works so well. Inside the center section, there is a circular ring at the very front. When the devices put on, I pull the shaft back until the head of my penis (glans) is just poking out from that section. The ring seats itself in the depression between the head of my penis and the shaft. The third piece of the device covers the tip of my penis. Because of that ring inside the center section, the head of my penis cannot move back. It’s locked into position. That means it’s always correctly centered. How cool is that?

The “ring” at the front of the center section fits into the groove just behind the head of the penis. This effectively locks it into position.

Obviously, measuring correctly is important for this device to work well. The Evotion website gives you all the information you need to correctly measure. The measuring process is very different than it is for other devices. Length measurements are done along the top of the shaft. This makes it much easier to get things right. It’s absolutely critical to get each measurement as perfect as you can. My device fits like a second skin.

It took me a while to get used to the way it looks. There is a gap between the center section and the tip. A small amount of skin is visible. This is the bottom of the head. It’s not particularly erotic and useless in terms of trying to cheat. It just looked a little bit weird because I was used to wearing devices that completely covered my penis.

I really like wearing this device. I miss it. For the moment, Mrs. Lion is letting me remain wild. I could end up in my Jail Bird temporarily until the replacement Orion gets here. I don’t look forward to the Russian roulette game of urinating while wearing it. I’m completely spoiled after wearing my Evotion Orion. I can’t wait until my replacement arrives.

As Mrs. Lion wrote yesterday (The Dog Ate My Homework) after I was unlocked for waxing and play I managed to knock the center section of my Evotion Orion off my nightstand. Mrs. Lion decided that she would find the piece when she was going to lock me up again in a couple of hours. I couldn’t see where the piece landed, so I couldn’t get it myself. My vision isn’t very good.

The connector (blue arrow) that locks the center section of the cage to the base ring was eaten by the dog. The original color of the cage was candy apple red. A new part will never match.

Unfortunately, our dog found the piece first. She normally stays away from toys that aren’t hers. I guess my scent on the 3D-printed chastity device was just too tempting. While we were watching TV she carried it deep under our bed and proceeded to eat a piece of it. Apparently, it didn’t taste as good as it smelled. She stopped after destroying the part of the cage that locks into the base ring. Fortunately, the cage is made from medical-grade nylon and isn’t toxic.

Mrs. Lion felt terrible that she put off retrieving the piece on the floor. Our golden retriever beat her to it. It never occurred to either of us that she might be interested in it. I guess we have to consider the possibility of the male chastity device becoming a dog toy a drawback of the plastic male chastity device. Who knew?

I sent an email to Evotion asking if they can make me a new center section for the three-piece cage. The color won’t match the faded pink of the other parts. I wonder what color would look good sandwiched by the pink base ring and glans cover?

With or without the cage, I’m not as responsive as I should be. Mrs. Lion has no problem getting me interested (hard), but I can’t seem to get very close to orgasm. She works hard, but I just can’t seem to get there. Since it’s been two weeks since my last orgasm, we both expect me to be begging to ejaculate.

I love how my lioness uses her mouth. It feels wonderful. I know it is very hard work for her and I feel guilty that I can’t deliver when she does such a wonderful blow job. The guilt may be getting in my way.

I haven’t earned a spanking in some time

It feels like it’s been a while since I have been spanked. I wonder if this is related to me being stuck. I hope it isn’t. Mrs. Lion last spanked me for being rude when we were talking in the car. That was only a few days ago, but it feels like weeks.

In the past we tried maintenance spankings with mixed results. It didn’t feel like Mrs. Lion put the same level of effort into them that she does when punishing me. That’s understandable since the spanking doesn’t have a clear, disciplinary purpose. She also knows that I hate disciplinary spankings and apparently doesn’t think I need to suffer that way if I have been good.

I can’t argue with this thinking. I admit that I was unhappy about getting a maintenance spanking. It’s bad enough when I get one for being naughty. When I look back to other people who write about domestic discipline, I see an almost universal use of maintenance spankings. The Disciplinary Wives Club strongly advocates them.

I put off this interest in unearned spankings to BDSM, not so much domestic discipline. One or both members of disciplinary couples have a sexual interest in spanking. It’s the initial motivator that lights the disciplinary fire. It makes sense that keeping that fire burning makes good sense.

Now that we have several years of disciplinary experience, I’m starting to understand why regular, disciplinary spankings are needed. Obviously, if my behavior warrants punishment, spankings are administered. Mrs. Lion is very good at this. If I’m not earning punishments, we seem to lose our disciplinary edge.

Are maintenance spankings more for my disciplinary wife?

It could be that maintenance spankings are more for Mrs. Lion than they are for me. When I was forgetting punishment days and setting up the coffeepot, she was spanking me about twice a week. The spankings were painful disciplinary punishments. For a while after spanking me, she seemed much more tuned in to my behavior. As unspanked time went by, this edge seemed to fade.

Much as I hate to admit it, in the days after punishing me, it feels that we are closer. It also feels like Mrs. Lion is much more focused on me. This makes sense because Mrs. Lion really likes the game aspect of catching me breaking a rule or being rude and then punishing me. She says that she mostly likes catching me. I don’t doubt that for a second. Even though I pissed her off, in the car, she had that I-caught-you smile when she informed me I would be punished.

She says that spanking me doesn’t do anything for her. She told me that she doesn’t mind punishing me. She knows it’s necessary, but there is no pleasure in it for her. I believe that. However, spanking me is one half of the pair of things that happens when I do something I shouldn’t. First, she catches me being naughty. She really likes that. The second part is that she spanks me.

Obviously, we can’t have maintenance rule-breaking. That would trivialize the very important basis of our disciplinary marriage. We can have maintenance spankings. Can Mrs. Lion’s vigilance be activated by spanking me? Does she make the mental connection between catching me breaking a rule and punishing me if she gives me a maintenance spanking? It would be great if she does. [Mrs. Lion — I wasn’t aware I was more vigilant.]

Is there a value for me as well? Maybe getting a punishment-level spanking reminds me how important it is for me to avoid getting in trouble. Perhaps it “tenderizes” me in the sense that getting a maintenance spanking always keeps me less than a week between beatings. My bottom will be more sensitive if spanking is only a few days after another I received. Mrs. Lion can warn me to watch out if I am starting to forget my manners by reminding me how much worse a spanking feels if received on an already sore bottom. In a very real sense, my edge is maintained by keeping my memory fresh of how it feels when my lioness punishes me.

Maybe the heightened connection we feel when we are both regularly reminded of our disciplinary relationship carries over to sex as well. In a way, I hope it doesn’t. Deep down I think it does. Much as I would like to believe that the BDSM play we do is sufficient, I think feeling our power exchange when I spanked is a strong aphrodisiac.