Yup, she read my post. When I got out of the shower on Monday, Mrs. Lion had the spanking bench set up, and she invited me to mount it. I was a little surprised since she hadn’t mentioned any plan to paddle me. I got a full ten-minute spanking that had me yelling and crying, “Enough!”Of course, Mrs. Lion ignored my cries. There was a little bleeding and a lot of yelping. I didn’t feel the spanking the next day. That was probably because she used leather instead of wood. She also commented that some of her swats were the hardest she ever gave me. I believe her!

I also think that it was good she could swat that hard. I know that one reason she avoids spanking me when she is upset is a fear that she will get carried away and really hurt me. Apparently, if she uses her leather paddles, there is little risk of injury and a good opportunity to let me know how she is feeling. It isn’t that I think it is important to spank me in the moment. I think that Mrs. Lion has gotten completely out of practice when it comes to discipline.I think it would do us both a lot of good if she gets back to spanking me for a reason.

It’s been a while since I’ve had sex. My thoughts have been getting more and more erotic. Mrs. Lion has left sex up to me. If I say I want an orgasm, she obliges. I’m not suggesting that we get back to denial, but like spanking, I need her to take the reins and call the shots. It’s much more fun for me when she initiates. When I say I want sex, her response is unenthusiastic agreement. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy she agrees. It’s just more fun when it is her game.

I think we need to go back to easy-to-break rules. We’re both out of practice. I’m not sure what they might be, but I knowwe need to get ourselves back into domestic discipline. Sex is more difficult. It feels like Mrs. Lion avoids touching her weenie. When we snuggle, she likes to stroke my inner thigh, but never gets near the naughty bits. The only times she does is when I’ve asked for sex.

I miss the intimacy. I miss it a lot. I also miss touching her erotically. I know that she isn’t interested in sex for herself, but sexual touching isn’t just about forelay. I’ve come to understand that. I wonder if we can agree to try this again. I know that I’m asking a lot, maybe too much. But there it is.

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